A late night shout out to "Andrew" who posted something rude about my blog today. In the introduction to my blog I warn you that I may be oversharing. The material in my blog is regarding my medical condition so I invite people to read ahead and travel with me on my infertility journey. I don't force my blog on anyone and dont pretend that some of the information might be TMI for some but the information I might leave out could possibly help someone. This blog is meant to be a form of therapy for me as I try and help others that may be going through the same thing and is not suppossed to be something negative. Andrew, you may not want to hear about my ...what did you call it "kooter juice" but there are some women out there with the same diagnosis as me wondering if their "juice" activity is normal. I have also received a lot of questions about the colon cleanse that you made a mean comment about. You blog about whatever it is you want to and I will do the same. No more verbal attacks, did it make you feel better about yourself when you sent me that message? Just because you have a complex doesnt mean you have to take it out on me. If the information in my blog is so repulsive, why did you read it? You are making me feel bad for trying to help people so if you dont like it please dont read it and if you cant write anything nice, please dont write at all. And to answer your question, yes I am obsessed. Obsessed with healing my body and restoring all natural functions and obsessed with the posibility of becoming a mother.
I agree with your hubby. Don't let "Andrew" get to you. What an A-hole. Be proud of what you are doing. We need all the support we can get from others who are coping with infertility. Keep it up!